Report a trail issue
Use this page to report any issues you encounter along any of the Fairfield County trails. For example, if you find a tree branch (or a whole tree!) down across the trail, and you're unable to move it off the trail yourself, feel free to report it here. The same thing goes for finding trash or mud on the trail - if you're unable to resolve the issue yourself, use the form below to report it. Make sure you select the correct trail system name to be sure your message gets to the right people.
FHTA will receive a copy of your message and will attempt to follow up to see that the issue is resolved. Keep in mind that we are all volunteers and can't guarantee that your issue will be resolved in a timely manner.
Use this page to report any issues you encounter along any of the Fairfield County trails. For example, if you find a tree branch (or a whole tree!) down across the trail, and you're unable to move it off the trail yourself, feel free to report it here. The same thing goes for finding trash or mud on the trail - if you're unable to resolve the issue yourself, use the form below to report it. Make sure you select the correct trail system name to be sure your message gets to the right people.
FHTA will receive a copy of your message and will attempt to follow up to see that the issue is resolved. Keep in mind that we are all volunteers and can't guarantee that your issue will be resolved in a timely manner.
=== NOTE ===
Do NOT use this form to report an injury, dangerous situation, crime, etc.
Dial 911 and let the authorities handle it!
Do NOT use this form to report an injury, dangerous situation, crime, etc.
Dial 911 and let the authorities handle it!
Submit a trail issue
Not an emergency...
...but needs urgent attention? If this is an urgent, but non-911 emergency, here are some phone numbers that may be helpful: Police departments:
Lancaster Trail
Pickerington Trails
MetroParks Blacklick Woods, Pickerington Ponds, Chestnut Ridge
Amanda/Johns Trail